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With Students
Teacher Activity
Parent Engagement
5 min
30 min
Class Period
Snap Inspirations

No prep needed and take ~5 minutes to complete!

Snap Inspiration
teacher activity
5 min
Challenge yourself when planning lessons to consider why the lesson content matters to your students.
teacher activity
5 min
What happens in your classroom when you stop talking?
with students
class period or more
Create a system to allow your students to communicate their feelings and build socio-emotional awareness.
with students
30 min
Provide a blank canvas where students are free to create.
with students
5 min
Ask your students: If you wanted to be a good president, what would you need to know?
teacher activity
5 min
Change your language to reflect students’ active role in learning, and alter your perspective on teaching.
with students
30 min
Restructure a lesson to increase the number of times students teach each other.
with students
30 min
Spend your lunchtime eating with a small group of students. Don't talk about school.
with students
class period or more
Track how often you issue praise to students, and what type of praise you are offering. Choose a lesson and make your praise more descriptive.
teacher activity
5 min
How much of your room is devoted to your students versus the teacher?
teacher activity
30 min
Analyze the posters provided - what are the unintended or implicit messages?
teacher activity
5 min
How do different types of music energize you for the day? How do they affect your readiness to greet your students?
with students
30 min
Create small posters with students so that you, and they, can get to know each other better.
with students
5 min
Challenge yourself to find ways to say “yes” more than you say “no”.
teacher activity
5 min
Add "yet" to transform “I can’t” into “I am still learning, and I will figure it out!”
with students
30 min
Ask, "What did we do today/this week that you want to make sure you remember? Keep a record throughout the year.

See Students As Experts

teacher activity
30 min
Name one way each of your students is an expert. Use it as an opportunity to build on their strengths.
with students
30 min
Pick three "difficult" students and/ or students you don't know that well. Learn something new.
parent engagement
5 min
Send your students' families questions to ask at home.
with students
5 min
What happens when you change "Speak up" to "Share your voice"?
with students
5 min
Each day, choose 1-2 transitions within the classroom. Replace the routine with on that emphasizes movement.
with students
class period or more
Tape your class then then track the kinds of questions you ask. Reflect on how to make them more meaningful.
with students
5 min
Have a discussion with students to re-think ways to creatively walk in the hall that still meet school expectations. Then, try them out.
teacher activity
5 min
Think about the last time you learned a new skill or dug into finding out about a new topic - just because it mattered to you.
with students
class period or more
Ask your students what they want their classmates to learn from them this year.

©2020 by Center for Inspired Teaching

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